Paul’s third missionary journey is nothing short of breathtaking from the beginning. In this study of Acts 18:23–19:20 Pastor Jim walks us through an introduction to Apollos. Luke tells us Apollos was well educated and a gifted orator, even mighty with the scriptures but he is “taught more accurately” by Priscilla and Aquila. Luke also describes the reception of the Holy Spirit and the role of the Spirit in the life of believers, other extraordinary miracles involving handkerchiefs and aprons, some demonic activity and the first recorded book burning. Buckle your seatbelt and get ready to have your mind and heart blown open by the Gospel!
Sermon Notes
1. The timeless truths of the Christian faith are found in the core tenets of the Gospel.
“Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”
Jude 3
“We live in very subjective days in which existentialism distinguishes sharply between ‘authentic’ living, and uses purely subjective criteria by which to assess what is ‘authentic’, namely whether it seems authentic to me at the moment. But Christians, especially evangelical Christians, are convinced that God has spoken historically and objectively that his Word culminated in Christ and in the apostolic witness to Christ, and that Scripture is precisely God’s Word written for our learning. All our traditions, all our opinions and all our experiences must therefore be submitted to the independent and objective test of biblical truth.”
John Stott
2. The Holy Spirit works in regeneration, revelation, redemption & transformation
The Holy Spirit’s role in our lives:
- Convinces us of the truth
- Convicts us of our sin
- Converts us into new creatures in Christ
- Connects us to the body of Christ
- Comforts us in our trials
- Conforms us into the image of Christ
3. The name of God is not magical, but it is holy.
“The phrase ‘in my name’ is not a talisman for the command of supernatural energy. He did not wish it to be used as a magical charm like an Aladdin’s lamp. It was both a guarantee, like the endorsement on a check, and a limitation on the petition; for he would grant only such petitions as could be presented consistently with his character and purpose. In prayer we call on him to work out his purpose, not simply to gratify our whims.”
Merrill C. Tenney
4. Sometimes we need to get rid of the props that lead us to sin and unbelief.
“Conversion therefore involves a twofold turn, a turn from idols and from sin on the one hand, and a turn to the living God and to the Saviour or Shepherd of souls on the other. The ‘turn away’ the New Testament calls repentance; the ‘turn toward’ the New Testament calls faith. So repentance plus faith equals conversion, and no man dare say he is converted who had not repented as well as believed.”
John Stott