Acts 13 records the beginning of Paul’s first missionary journey to Cyprus and then on to parts of modern day Turkey. How did he and Barnabas know they were supposed to go? How did they prepare before they went? What does this passage teach us about discerning God’s will in our lives? Join Pastor Jim for this practical study from Acts 13.
Sermon Notes
Saul/Paul & Barnabas remind us that God uses worshipers to spread His Word.
“God wants worshipers before workers; indeed the only acceptable workers are those who have learned the lost art of worship.”
A. W. Tozer
Acts 13
- The Word of God
- the teaching of the Lord
- word of exhortation
- the message of this salvation
- utterances
- what was written
- we preach to you
- the good news of the promise
- written in the second Psalm
- He has spoken
- He also says in another Psalm
- forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you
- the thing spoken of in the prophets
Scripture humbles our attempts at a human discovery of God and self-salvation with a surprising divine revelation and the offer of salvation by grace.
Elymas /Bar-Jesus reminds us there are those who will resist and work against the Gospel.
Sergius Paulus reminds us there are intelligent seekers who are eager to hear the Gospel.
John Mark reminds us that serving the mission of God in this world will require commitment and sacrifice.
“Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness. Constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.”
Sir Ernest Shackleton
“The gospel of the kingdom isn’t a pleasant religious idea that you might like to explore some time when you’ve got an hour or two to spare. It isn’t like an attractive object in a museum that you might visit and look at admiringly the next time you’re in the district. It’s like a fabulous hoard of treasure, yours for the taking – if you’ll sell everything else to buy the field where it’s hidden. It’s like the biggest, finest, purest pearl that any jeweler ever imagined, and it’s yours for the taking – if you’ll sell everything else, including all the other pearls you’ve ever owned in order to purchase it.”
N. T. Wright
“The Christian is a person who makes it easy for others to believe in God.”
Robert Murray M’Cheyne