We trust in the love of God, we abide in the love of God and we reflect the love of God. These are all dynamic terms to describe a way of living, abiding in the love of God.
“The even place on which our foot stands is the sure, covenant faithfulness of the Lord of Hosts; there is no fear of falling from this solid basis, or of its being removed from under us.”
C. H. Spurgeon
“Love is the greatest thing in the world. For ‘God is love’ in his innermost being. Father, Son and Spirit are eternally united to each other in self-giving love. So he who is love, and has set his love upon us, calls us to love him and others in return. ‘We love because he first loved us’ (1 Jn. 4:19). Love is the principal, the paramount, the pre-eminent, the distinguishing characteristic of the people of God. Nothing can dislodge or replace it. Love is supreme.”
John Stott, The Contemporary Christian
“Our calling and purpose as followers of Christ is to love God completely, to love self correctly, and to love others compassionately.”
Kenneth Boa