Organizations We Support
RUF at Belmont

RUF at Belmont exists to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve. Rev. Kevin Twit began the work in 1995 and will celebrate 30 years of ministry next year. We have a weekly large group meeting on Tuesdays at 7:30pm, numerous small groups and our staff and student leadership team regularly meet one-on-one with students.
Support from TVC and our other partners allows us to place staff within the students’ world, scholarship needy students to our retreats and conferences and provide money for snacks at our events—a key to our hospitality. God uses something as simple as a talk over a cup of coffee to impact students’ lives, and we are grateful for your support, which enables us to have front-row seats to watch God at work.
We are taking 10 students to London over Spring Break for a Mission Trip with Serge. Our Winter Conference is coming up February 21-23, and our annual Summer Conference will be May 5 through 10.
Want to volunteer? We have had several churches bring snacks to our Tuesday night meeting. Our meeting begins at 7:30 pm, but we have snacks beforehand. We would love to have a small group or Sunday school class join to help serve that way. For more info about volunteering, contact Wendy Twit (615) 473-5826. For more information, visit our website.
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