Organizations We Support
Men of Valor

Men of Valor is a ministry of hope that reconciles men in prison to God, their families, and society. It’s committed to winning men to Jesus Christ and discipling them to equip them to re-enter society as men of integrity—becoming givers to the community rather than takers. Nationally, 70% of men released from prison will return; however, those who complete Men of Valor’s 6-month program inside prison and 12-month program after release have a recidivism rate below 15%.
Started in 1997 by Carl Carlson working by himself in Tennessee prisons, Men of Valor’s staff of 14 and 120 volunteers now have two campuses—in Nashville and Knoxville—that offer one year of residential and aftercare support.
The Village Chapel partners with Men of Valor financially and by hosting some of the monthly “Rocking the Ridge” graduation ceremonies. (See Matt Pierson for details on how you can help).
Men of Valor is looking for godly men to mentor its students by dedicating one night a week to fellowshipping with a man one-on-one as he walks through the challenges of his first year out of incarceration. There are other opportunities to teach a class, lead or co-lead a discipleship group, or serve in different ways. For more information or to volunteer, visit our website.
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