Organizations We Support
Inglewood Elementary School

Inglewood Elementary School (IES) is a Metro Nashville Public School located in the Inglewood Neighborhood of East Nashville. With a history that goes all the way back to 1929, the school currently operates as an Environment Sciences STEAM magnet school where students learn through a curriculum built around science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). The IES staff and teachers hope to build a community of empowered leaders by fostering curiosity and a life-long joy of learning. In recent years, TVC has had the opportunity to support IES with volunteers and to cover specific needs that encourage students and staff. Each Christmas, TVC loves to provide 50 Christmas Food Boxes of non-perishable foods collected by TVC Kids plus a $50 Kroger gift card for each box to help provide a holiday meal for each family. There are regular and ongoing needs for volunteers as well as volunteers who can participate on occasion to support special events. For more information about volunteering or current needs, reach out to Kenya Bass [email protected] or call 629-910-5530.
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