Please let us know if you need anything at all, at any step of the process!
Marriage Prep Program
- A meeting with a TVC pastoral staff member
- Read 2 of 3 books recommended by TVC
- 5-6 session pre-marital counseling package.
- Cost: $650 (TVC pays $300 towards this for you.)
- Upon completion of the counseling sessions you will receive a certificate that will give you a $60 discount off of TN state marriage license.
- Your portion of the counseling payment should be paid (cash or check) by first appointment.
- Volunteer in TVC Children’s Ministry (once), and with Second Saturdays (once)
- Meet with 2 TVC approved couples as marriage mentors.
- Meet twice with TVC Wedding Coordinator/TVC Technical Director regarding ceremony details (if marrying at TVC).
- Meet with the TVC Pastor officiating to discuss ceremony details.