Greenhouse is a leadership growth and development program at The Village Chapel that exists to cultivate wise and godly leaders who know and love God’s Word, are strong in character and compassion, and skillful in ministry and mission.

Greenhouse Summit is a one-day spiritual leadership retreat to cultivate wise and godly leaders who know and love God, His word and His people. If you have not yet been able to commit to an entire semester of Greenhouse in your current season, this one-day option may be fitting for you. If you have already completed Greenhouse, this one-day retreat would be a great addition to the work you have already done. You will be refreshed and renewed as we study, eat meals together and dive deep into what Christian leadership looks like in our time. At the end of Greenhouse Summit, we hope that participants will have gained:

  • A deeper love for God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • A growing hunger for His Word
  • A more passionate commitment to the mission of God at TVC
  • A sturdier understanding of each individual’s role in God’s mission, wherever they are planted

When: Saturday, February 8, 2025

Where: The Village Chapel

Cost: $50 includes meals, books and resources; $20 includes meals and resources only (for participants who prefer to purchase books via Kindle or already own the required reading books) Please Note: Greenhouse Summit is for in-person participants only.

Sign-Up Today

Details for Attendees

We look forward to being together for the Greenhouse Summit in a couple of weeks. While we finalize all of the details behind the scenes, we wanted to share two pieces of information with you.


Note: For those purchasing books independently, click the links above to purchase digital versions. For those receiving books from TVC, they are on order and expected next week, and Cora will contact you via email.

Pre-Greenhouse Reading

In preparation for our time together, we ask that you do some pre-reading. Prayerfully read, mark and study these Psalms over the next couple of weeks:

  • Psalm 1, 90, 103 and 119
  • Deeper Introduction, Chapters 1-3, 9 – Book available for pick-up at the Info Table on Sunday, February 2.

Please contact Cora Cluver with any questions about upcoming events.