
Holy Week at TVC

Wednesday – Lunchtime Talks

Join us for our final lunchtime Bible study through the Lenten season as we study At the Foot of the Cross with Pastor Matt Pierson. Invite a co-worker and bring them with you on Wednesday, April 16, for “The Road to the Cross: Encounters with Jesus.” We will gather in The Living Room from 12 – 12:45 pm to eat a provided lunch and study together. RSVP Here

Good Friday

Please plan to join us for Good Friday, April 18, at 6 and 7:30 pm in the Chapel or at 6 pm online. Our Good Friday service has become a meaningful tradition over the years as we remember the sacrifice made by our Savior. These silent services include a time of reflection, prayer and communion. Please make plans to arrive early as the service begins promptly on time. Childcare for nursery and preschool is available. The Chapel doors will open for seating up to 30 minutes before each service.

Easter Sunday

We hope to see you at special service times on Easter Sunday, April 20, at 8:15, 10 and 11:45 am in the Chapel or at 10 am online. Chapel doors will open for seating up to 30 minutes before each service. Because of limited parking, please arrive early and plan to carpool, Uber, Lyft, walk, bike or park on surrounding streets. The Youth, College, Young Adults and 50s+ Sunday School classes will not meet on Easter Sunday. 

Learn more about singing in the Easter Sunday choir here.