August 25, 2019

Call to Worship

I Give You Thanks, O God, My Redeemer!

For the power You have given me to lay hold of things unseen,

For the strong sense I have

that this world is not my home, For a restless heart,

which nothing finite can satisfy,

I give You thanks, O God, my Redeemer!

For the invasion of my soul

by the Holy Spirit,

For conviction of sin,

for your grace and forgiveness, For the fullness of Your glory poured out in Jesus,

I give You thanks, O God, my Redeemer!

Bring light to my darkness

and clarity to my soul.

Make me eager to profit from

spending time in Your presence

and draw passionate and authentic worship from my heart this day.

Grant me both the wisdom and courage to obey Your Word and

I will give You thanks, O God, my Redeemer!


“Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me” Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, and Rich Thompson

“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” Charles Wesley

“O Praise the Name (Anastasis)” Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher and Marty Sampson

“Trisagion/Be Thou My Vision” Ken E. Read and St. John Chrysostom/Mary Byrne and Eleanor Henrietta Hull


“Grace Greater Than Our Sin” Julia H. Johnston

“Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” Henry Francis Lyte

“Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor/Great is Thy Faithfulness” Matthew Boswell and Matthew Papa/Thomas Obadiah Chisolm and William Marion Runyan

“Holy, Holy, Holy” Reginald Heber & John Bacchus Dykes

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