July 31, 2022


“His Mercy is More” by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa
© 2018 Getty Music Used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

“My Jesus I Love Thee” by William R. Featherston & Adoniram Judson Gordon
Public Domain Used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

“There is a Hope” by Mark Edwards & Stuart Townend
© 2007 Thankyou Music Used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

“He Will Hold Me Fast” by Ada Ruth Habershon & Matthew Merker
© 2013 Merker, Matthew Used by Permission. CCLI License #2003690

“Doxology” by Thomas Ken, Louis Bourgeois
Public Domain CCLI# 2003690

Call To Worship: How Majestic is Your Name

O Lord, our LORD, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! Just this morning, the sun declares the beauty and persistence of Your unrivaled power. Come now, Lord; set all our hearts and voices free to worship You.

It’s been You, Lord, who has protected us while we slept: who has provided for our every need, who has given us strength for every battle, who has made a way through every wilderness.

May our souls find peace in Your presence. May our sorrows fall at the feet of Your joy. Help us rest in Your sovereignty and faithfulness; help us to honor Your name, walk in Your ways, and praise You with all our being. Hallelujah, amen!

Classic Prayer: Basil the Great

O Lord our God, teach us, we beseech Thee, to ask Thee aright for the right blessings. Steer Thou the vessel of our life toward Thyself, Thou tranquil Haven of all storm-tossed souls. Show us the course wherein we should go. Renew a willing spirit within us. Let Thy Spirit curb our wayward senses, and guide and enable us unto that which is our true good, to keep Thy laws, and in all our works evermore to rejoice in Thy glorious and gladdening Presence. For Thine is the glory and praise from all Thy saints forever and ever.

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Creed: Repentance and Faith

LEADER: What does it mean to repent?
PEOPLE: To repent means that I have a change of heart, turning from sin – fully serving myself – to serving God as I follow Jesus Christ. I need God’s help to make this change.

LEADER: What does it mean to have faith?
PEOPLE: To have faith means that I believe the Gospel is the truth: that Jesus died for my sins, rose from the dead, and rules over my life. Therefore, I entrust myself to Him as my Savior, and I obey Him as my Lord.

LEADER: What does God grant in your new life in Christ?
PEOPLE: God grants me reconciliation with Him, forgiveness of my sins, union with Him in Christ, adoption into His family, citizenship in His kingdom, new life in the Holy Spirit, and the promise of eternal life.

Source: ACNA: Salvation, Questions 11, 12 & 15

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