Matthew 14:22-33 – Dare We Trust Jesus?

Pastor Jim Thomas

  1. Jesus doesn’t send His disciples away – He sends them ahead. (v. 22)
  2. You may take your eyes off of Jesus, but He never takes His eyes off of you. You arenever out of His sight and you are never out of His reach.
  3. Faith in Jesus is not merely a leap in the dark, but rather, it is a step toward the light.
  4. Peace is found not in the absence of storms, but in the nearness of Jesus. (v. 32)

The purpose of Jesus’ miracles was to:

  • Display His power and authority
  • Affirm His identity
  • Reveal His compassion
  • Inspire a response

“There is nothing illogical about miracles if a Creator God exists. If a God exists who is big enough to create the universe in all its complexity and vastness, why should a mere miracle be such a mental stretch?” – Tim Keller

“Faith indeed tells what the senses do not tell, but not the contrary of what they see. It is above them and not contrary to them.” – Blaise Pascal, Pensées 265

“Reason’s last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it. It is merely feeble if it does not go as far as to realize that.” – Blaise Pascal, Pensées 267

“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Thy works.” – Asaph, Psalm 73:28

“The center of God’s will may be for us the very eye of the storm.”– Alistair Begg“Peace doesn’t come from finding a lake with no storms; it comes from having Jesus in the boat.” – John Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat

“How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven.” – George MacDonald

“You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness. Then He is like a rose blooming in the midst of the desolation, a rock rising above the storm.” – Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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